Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Sunday 18 April 2004

The Basement Chateau Belew Today


The Basement, Chateau Belew.

Today is the Sistery Person's birthday. I have acquired a small present for her when she visits Nashville this coming week.

The sun has been shining, the sky has been blue, and I have been gently catching up with myself.

Sunshine Over Mount Belew --


Meanwhile, England Continues (currently on my computer desktop & in my heart) --


The recent news of Mr. Alder (reported in this Diary last Thursday, 15th. April) is met by news in today's Sunday Times (London) of his former business partner in EG, Athol & Co. & other companies, and fellow Lloyd's Name on Marine 475, Mark Fenwick. There is a picture of Mark on the Times' Rich List, placing the Fenwick family at No. 133 (I am told).

EG as a Music Group died in the two years following the sale of the record & publishing catalogues to Virgin & BMG respectively (1991). Mr. Alder presented the partners as a management force ready & available to the world - "the Main Men are back!" (Mr. Alder's words, telephoning me at my Wife's studio apartment in Chelsea on May 17th.1991). This information was rather confusing, as the partners had been reassuring me (against my own expressed opinion that their interests were clearly elsewhere) they had never gone away.

The world said no. New licensing deals for the new EG, arranged with Virgin & BMG to accompany the catalogue sales), were both cancelled within 2 years.

In the same period, David Enthoven, the E of EG, presented himself to the world as available, in partnership with Tim Clark (formerly of Island Records), with IE Management. Mr. Alder had ousted David from EG in 1977, taking over the directing role within the company. Today, David manages Robbie Williams.

Messrs. Alder & Fenwick separated in 1994/5 and Mark focused his main business interests on chairing the family firm of Fenwicks, which he has done with great success. Fenwicks, with stores in Newcastle & New Bond Street, have acquired other department stores and brought them within the group, such as the former Ricemans store in Canterbury, Kent. A new building houses the Canterbury Fenwicks, and I was shopping in there last December.

Mark maintains a connection with the music industry via his management company MFM --

In 1994/5 the EG offices on King's Road became the location for the Names of Marine 475 to take action against their underwriting agent --

6 Jan 93 Daily Telegraph: Further huge losses loom for Lloyd's members

LLOYD'S of London members, some already hard-hit, are about to suffer more huge losses following a dramatic deterioration in the finances of another syndicate involved in the notorious " LMX spiral ".

About 1, 000 members of R J Bromley syndicate 475 could be facing losses of more than 500p c of the syndicate's 1989 capacity .

If losses reach that level equivalent to £128m in value terms, they would beat even the worst losses incurred by Gooda Walker syndicate 298 , where members are now threatening legal action.

More recent news on Names --

But I can't open this one --

European Voice, Apr. 12, 2004: BREAKING NEWS: Deputies opt for Lloyd's court action

Meanwhile, the former MD of the EG Music Group between 1988-91 (brought in to supervise the operations of the music side while the partners were focusing on their property interests) does not mention his time at EG on his CV.

And these are only a few short associational links & pieces of info which might interest any readers interested in the history of greed, avarice, the fallen nature of man & music.

21.00 Bedtime is approaching. Two approaches to retiring for the night:

Toasty Toes In Slumberland 1 (DGM version) --


Toasty Toes In Slumberland 2 (Chateau Belew approach) --


